School Safety Plan
School is Needed More Than Ever
We have all experienced an extremely and most difficult unprecedented time. With the current global pandemic, never in our lifetime have we had to adapt to a situation that caused massive disruption to our lives. As adults, we have life’s experiences to fall back on to assist us with trying to cope with this situation. Children, on the other hand, have not had enough experiences to be able to reach deep into their psyche and get strength from their past life experiences to deal with what was thrust in front of them. For these reasons, it is vital now more than ever before to stop and take pause to assess the need for children to get back to some normalcy in order to regain their balance in life as they knew it to be. Now that Park Shore is open children can reunite with the exciting times they remembered and socialize with their friends. The structure of our exciting classroom activity schedule will help to rejuvenate their spirit.
What can we do to make things better for children?
Opening Park Shore Country Day School safely is the solution. We have learned that the risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus in a controlled environment like school is extremely low and especially low for children, yet the benefits of children playing with other children, exercising, and developing new skills that happen at school would be tremendous. Opening Park Shore Country Day School for the school year requires a HUGE amount of logistical effort and financial expense. We are proud to continue our commitment to our Park Shore families and we are excited to provide another amazing school year for our students!
General Information
School Dates
- Park Shore will run from September 9, 2021-June 8, 2022
School Hours
School Hours: 9:00am – 3:30pm
Before Care: 7am – 9:00am
After Care: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Parent Visitation
- Due to the current protocols, parent visitation will not take place. We understand communication is paramount. We always want to assist our parents with any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact Park Shore at any time, so we can assist you.
Deliveries, Packages, Repairmen
- Anyone delivering anything to school will be required to wear a face mask at all times.
- Temperatures will be checked upon arrival at school.
- School will supply fresh disposable gloves that must be worn.
Conditions for Opening School
Park Shore Country Day School’s priority is to provide an engaging educational experience both indoors and outdoors that will create fun and excitement in a safe and effective manner. Park Shore’s Safety & Operations Manual prioritizes the health and well-being of our students, staff, and the families we serve, taking into account CDC and Health Department guidelines and guidance from the Office of the Children and Family Services.
Our plan is designed to be flexible, so that we can adapt and refine our response as needed. Park Shore Country Day School will continue to seek guidance from the Health Department, orders from the Governor’s office and the Office of the Children and Family Services. Park Shore’s procedures in enforcing compliance with all COVID-19 preventative measures and practices may be modified and revised as guidance changes.
Internal Factors
- Staff are trained and prepared to operate under new operating guidelines and care for students.
- Program areas and classrooms are ready to support physical/social distancing.
- Cleaning and sanitizing operating procedures are in place and supplies are in stock.
- PPE supplies are in stock for daily use.
- Installation of hand sanitizing stations have been strategically placed for use.
Park Shore Family Commitment: Family Health Survey
- Monitoring students’ health.
- Communicating with Park Shore Country Day School openly about health concerns.
- Follow all policies and procedures to support a healthy community.
The Park Shore School Steps
Student Screening
- Pre-school online health & history questionnaire.
- Daily at-home health screenings by caregivers. 14 day or 7 day Pre School screenings form completed and handed in before child’s school session begins. Daily school arrival symptom screening and temperature check.
- Health Monitoring throughout the school day.
Staff Screening Testing
- Staff online health & history questionnaire.
- Daily arrival symptom screening and temperature check by Park Shore trained staff members. Health Monitoring throughout the school day.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided.
Masks/Face Covering
- Required mask-wearing by all staff
- Students will wear masks with scheduled breaks
Cleaning & Disinfection
- Increased cleaning and disinfection protocols by Park Shore’s maintenance team. Cleaning and disinfection of each bathroom by attendants.
Cleaning and disinfection of all activity areas, equipment and supplies throughout the day. - Designated activity supplies for each class’s exclusive use.
- Use of EPA-approved soaps and sanitizers.
- Hand Washing
- Mandatory hand washing or sanitization protocol between each activity period.
- Sanitizing dispensers and handwashing stations in each bathroom. Each class will carry hand sanitizer for their students and staff to be used before and after each activity
- Use of EPA-approved soaps and sanitizers.
Reasonable Contact Reduction
- Safe social distancing practices will be maintained between classes.
- Face coverings and masks will be worn according to CDC guidelines.
Symptom Management Plan
- Trained staff will assess all COVID-19 related symptoms.
- A quarantine facility has been established.
- Strict symptom management, including isolation, communication, tracing, and post-illness protocol will be enforced.
Class Size & Social Distancing
Class Staffing
- Staff within each class will be the only staff members that will come into direct contact with children in their class each day.
Classes Will Not Mix
- Classes will be required to maintain appropriate social distancing from other classes.
School Program & Activities
At the heart of Park Shore Country Day School is our variety of amazing activities led by a talented group of teachers. This is where fun, engagement, friendships, learning, and school memories begin. Our team has been working hard to re-imagine the process and make these experiences as amazing as ever. After months of being at home, with distance learning, we know that students are ready to enjoy the outdoors, connect with friends, and have some real fun.
Activity Period Checklist
- All students and staff members will wash/sanitize hands when they arrive and depart each activity.
- Cleaning and disinfection will be completed on all equipment and supplies throughout the day.
- One Class will be scheduled at each activity.
- Commonly touched surfaces, switches, sink knobs, tables, benches or handles etc., will be wiped down throughout the day.
- Staff members will increase spacing and physical distancing with students when possible.
Cleaning Procedure
- Park Shore Country Day School has their full time and trained seasonal maintenance staff to keep Park Shore disinfected and clean every day. A designated team of cleaners will disinfect all program areas, bathrooms, office areas, and sports equipment throughout the day.
- A dedicated staff orientation will be given to our entire TEAM to ensure their understanding of our daily procedures and expectations.
- Commercial grade and EPA certified disinfectants will be used on a daily basis to ensure sanitary standards are consistently maintained.
Arrival and Departure Procedures
AM Arrival Procedure
PM Departure Procedure
Health, Medication, and Wellness
- All students and staff will have a temperature check twice daily. One check upon arrival and again after lunch. A temperature of over 100 degrees or a student or staff that shows COVID-19 symptoms will not be able to gain entrance to school. A doctor’s note will be necessary to return to school or work and possibly a negative COVID 19 test result.
- A student who does have a temperature at the 2nd testing will be removed to a private room designated as an infirmary. The parent will be immediately called and have a mandatory immediate pick up. Emergency contact numbers will be utilized if parents cannot be available.
- All medications, epi pens and other medications must have the appropriate paperwork signed by both the Doctor and Parent.
- All minor bumps, scrapes, cuts, etc. will be treated by a Mat certified staff member. All minor medical needs will be recorded, and parent will be called by phone about the incident.
What happens if a child or staff member develops COVID-19 Symptoms at school?
- Persons with positive COVID-19 symptoms will be directed to a quarantine area where they will be further assessed and monitored by the director. The child will be quarantined until the parent is able to pick up.
- Persons who have been diagnosed with a positive COVID -19 infection may return to school when they provide 2 consecutive negative COVID -19 results AND all symptoms have resolved after quarantine of 14 days.
- If a student or staff member reports positive, Health Authorities and all families and staff of the individual’s class group will be notified immediately as per the CDC guidelines. We expect all students and staff who came in close contact with the infected individual to self-quarantine for 14 days. This policy will be strictly followed.
When May Infected Persons Return?
The answer is yes to All the following
- Has it been 14 days since you first had symptoms?
- Have you been fever free for 3 consecutive days without medications?
- Has it been 3 days since your symptoms have improved?
- Have respiratory symptoms resolved and there has been 2 negative COVID tests at least 24 hours apart.
What is the definition of Close Contact?
- The CDC defines close contact interactions within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes
- Contact tracing will be carried out by a trained staff in conjunction with the Suffolk County Health Department.
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Visit Us
450 Deer Park Road
Dix Hills, NY 11746
Tour Hours
M-F: 10am - 3pm
S-S: 11am - 2pm (February - June)