January 24, 2025

At Park Shore, we believe February is the perfect month to highlight the importance of kindness. With Valentine’s Day and Random Acts of Kindness Day on the calendar, it’s a wonderful opportunity to nurture compassion and generosity in our young learners.
Teaching kindness to preschoolers doesn’t just make them better friends and classmates—it helps build empathy, self-confidence, and a sense of belonging. Even at their young age, children can grasp the concept of being kind and enjoy the joy it brings to themselves and others.
Here are the Top 5 Random Acts of Kindness you can encourage your preschooler to practice this month:

Draw a Picture or Make a Card
Encourage your child to create a colorful picture or card for a family member, friend, or teacher. It’s a simple yet heartfelt way to show appreciation and brighten someone’s day.

Give a Compliment
Teach your little one to notice something nice about someone and say it out loud. Compliments like “I like your smile” or “You’re really good at building with blocks!” can make someone feel special.

Help with a Task
Let your preschooler lend a helping hand at home or school. Whether it’s putting away toys, setting the table, or helping a friend pick up crayons, every small effort counts!

Share a Snack or Toy
Sharing can be a big step for little ones. Practicing generosity with a snack or favorite toy helps children learn the joy of giving without expecting anything in return.

Pick Up Litter Together
A walk outside becomes an act of kindness when children learn to care for their environment. Provide gloves and a small bag, and turn cleanup into a fun and meaningful activity.

When we teach children about kindness, we equip them with skills to navigate the world with love and empathy. Let’s all take time this February to lead by example and sprinkle kindness everywhere we go.
How will your family celebrate kindness this month? Share your ideas and stories with us—we’d love to hear them!